Carver High School
Formerly a municipal golf course on an Appalachian foothill, the school’s site overlooks Birmingham’s inner city. The campus is situated at the crest of the site to maximize views of the school from the city and the city from the school. Footpaths extend city streets from the neighborhood through the fields, and gently wind up a 100-foot rise to the school. At the base of the hill, old fairways and mature oaks now serve as parks and play fields.
The building’s form is a rectangular bar split into thirds, each third housing a discrete functional element of the school: the dining hall, the academic wind, and the gymnasium. These three elements are carefully placed within the contours of the site to form public and private exterior spaces. Framed views visually connect students to the immediate neighborhood and the city beyond.
Honorable Mention I/AIA Honorable Mention II/AIA